Hotel loundry, grain drying, packaging, papermaking, pharmacy, textile industry, garment industry…
Connects to manual boiler, gas boiler, chain-grate boiler or any other industrial boilers…

Benefits of Biomass Fules

Asia-Pacific Biomass Energy Exhibition (APBE 2020)

HEATEC 2022 Shanghai

National Hardware Show 2024 Las Vegas
Biomass fuel, by definition, refers to the biomass materials burnt as fuels, typically agricultural or forestry waste (such as straw, sawdust, peanut shells, corn stalks, etc.). In contrast to fossil fuels such as coal or oil.
For details, check our article: ABCs of biomass fuel – A renewable clean fuel
There’re two methods to inspect and maintain a baghouse dust collector, manual cleaning or sonic cleaning.
For details, check our article: How to inspect and maintain a baghouse dust collector (Bag filter)?
We compared the calorific values and costs of biomass fuels and others. They are Natural Gas (CNG), Semi-coke, Biomass Granule, Biomass Pellet and Wood Chips.
We have a detailed datasheet for cost efficiency calculation here: Cost comparison of biomass fuels and other fules.
We’re established in 2016. Till now we’ve been cultivating in this industry for 8 years. We ran a tannery factory and used traditional boilers in early years. As the complaints to the old style facilitiy came to a peak, we decided to turn to the new biomass system.
We knew well about what the factories need from the heating system so we raised a lot of useful advice to our biomass burner supplier.
With strong resonance, the burner supplier and us decided to set up a joint company to improve the equipment. Therefore we redesigned the whole product and developed a new electronic control system with renowned universities. 8 years after that, we’re still keeping an eye on the product evolution.
For more sucessful stories from our clients, click here: Successful Cases Archives – vgbiomass.com